Представляю вашему вниманию финальную версию нового клиента SA-MP 0.3x.
Изменения с SA-MP 0.3e:
- Новая система просмотра моделей, облегчает поиск скинов, транспортных средств и моделей объектов в игре.
- Теперь есть возможность устанавливать расстояние для прорисовки объектов, это обеспечивает плавную прорисовку объекта на стороне клиента.
- Улучшение изменения материала и цветов объектов.
- Улучшенная синхронизация анимации для переносящего объекта игроком.
- Добавлен дружественный огонь по транспортным средствам.
- Добавлено несколько новых объектов для шляп и причесок.
- Множественные важные изменения в сетевой системе SA-MP, которая уменьшает трафик и улучшает безопасность для владельцев серверов.
Client/Server update SA-MP 0.3x RC3
Unless there are any show-stopper problems, this will be the final RC for SA-MP 0.3x.
- Final netcode tweaks before release.
- Fixes for Kick() function not always notifying player that they have been kicked.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC2-4
- Fixes "floating player attachments" problem. Player attachments would sometimes be seen floating, not connected to any player.
- The SA-MP nametag can now show the alt-tab/paused status of a player. Use the client command /nametagstatus to toggle this feature on/off.
- Some modified versions of hair and hat objects added.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC2-3
- More fixes for material changing on objects. There were still some lighting issues and backface culling problems.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC2-2-2
- Fixes several problems with changing object material colours, including lighting problems and crashes.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC2-2
- Certain objects were causing crashes when used with a large draw distance.
Client/Server update SA-MP 0.3x RC2
- The function EnableVehicleFriendlyFire() will enable the friendly fire option for team vehicles. Some servers require friendly fire for players, but not on team vehicles.
- Adds new player special action SPECIAL_ACTION_CARRY for a carrying item animation.
- In 0.3x, the final parameter of OnVehicleDeath (killerid) will be the player who reported the vehicle dead. This should be renamed at some point, although, in the interest of keeping the callback compatible with old scripts, the name won't be changed for 0.3x.
- Additional sanity checks added for vehicle death reporting.
- Should solve any remaining issues with objects disappearing with certain camera angles, if the objects are using a large draw distance.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC1-3-1
- Fixes some crashes caused by exploding vehicles.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC1-3
- There was an issue with certain objects disappearing in front of the camera. This should be fixed in RC1-3.
- If a server uses friendly fire via SA-MP's team system, team damage will no longer effect team vehicles.
- Car colours 128-255 have been replaced with some more exotic colours. Some colours in this range were previously usable, but most were the same colour. The entire colour set has been revamped.
- When using the EditObject() tool, the scale mode might accidently be activated, meaning you could not save.
Optional Client update SA-MP 0.3x RC1-2
- On certain video cards, vehicle model previews were being drawn with fog.
- Streaming memory was not always being freed when viewing player skin model previews.